Your Relationship “Love” Has Not Died, Rather This Is What Might Have Happened

To fondness/desire add love and to love add desire, your relationship (any type of relationship) will be a long-lasting, great one filled with memorable moments!

There’s a great difference between love and fondness, between love and desire. Yet to have a great relationship, both are needed.A lot of people love but do not desire their partners.

What you might not know is that the love of money isn’t the root of all evil, rather the fondness for money. (Greek Bible used philaguria (fondness/desire or urge for money and not agapeguria (love of money)

For marriage and relationships, love (agape) cements whereas desire/fondness spices. Both build stronger relationships.

Most relationships start with the chemical reactions of desire, of want, (the catalyst formed is what I cannot explain as “the way of a man with a lady”.) The continuity of a relationship comes with love.It is easy to hear people say “over time I came to love my partner”.

The Bible said “to brotherly fondness (Philadelphia), add love (agape)”.

Most relationships come to the point of not calling every single moment; not rushing home; no more kisses and cuddles; no more arm to arm walks under the rain; no more whispering of sweet words.These points do not mean that there is no more love there! It actually means that the desire, the philo reaction has dwindled. Even, death of desire comes most times with the birth of chidren in the family.

When you love, this is what you do: you never will do anything to harm him/her or them as in the case of children; you care about and protect them. When you desire, you can be with them the whole day without feeling it.

When you love, you want to work to death to ensure their comfort while when you desire, you abandon everything else to be with them.

According to the article on “The Three Principles of Relationship” (click here to read it), the third “commitment to wellbeing” is hinged on love but the second is actually “desire”.

Love can die in a relationship and desire can be extinguished. If desire goes off, love can continue the relationship but without any attraction. It is desire that creates the attraction between two partners while the love for each other just makes the two keep going on.

Without desire, you can say for sure that your relationship is “tasteless”, “just there”, “lacks chemistry”

That moment you feel like the reaction and fun is gone, do not ask first if love has gone rather ask “where did the fun, the attraction, the chemistry, go?”

You will know if love is dead when care for wellbeing stops, deliberate hurting starts, cheating comes in. When love dies, the relationship is heading towards a breakdown.

There are certain times people do mix up desire with love but I believe this article might have corrected it.

Let us take an example of babies. Why is that as a baby people loved to carry me, smile and give me a peck, hold me close? Even my mum could miss work because of me. But as I grow up, there seems to be a separation, a divide. Those things die off, I became on my own!

Most relationships start up with attraction, with desire to get close, with philo.

Do you know one thing about philo, about desire? You are ready to even kill because you desire.

Even though we might not desire every time in our relationships, constantly ignite the spark, unbalance the balance in your relationships with special, unforgettable moments and events/acts yet let love lead the way (just as to brotherly fondness, add love)!

Do not worry he still loves you just that the flame of attraction is gone, just gone which you both can ignite again! Find that one thing that thrills him or thrilled her about you that you stopped doing and start up.

One thing about desire is that it is rare for someone to want or desire what he or she has. That is why it is more fun when I plan to pay visit or even sneak into to your home than when I live in your home with you. Well, I suggest you should take some breaks in your relationship, to the point of desiring each other once more (especially living-ins).

To fondness/desire add love and to love add desire, your relationship (any type of relationship) will be a long-lasting, great one filled with memorable moments!

Suggestion: for some couples, they take break from each other at certain points. While on break, they text and call as if they are still dating. They reach the point of missing each other. Try this

8 thoughts on “Your Relationship “Love” Has Not Died, Rather This Is What Might Have Happened

  1. Great writing once again. I really enjoy and look forward to your posts. Well done. My friend! Thank you for sharing


  2. I usually do not understand about the chemical reactions between the equations: love and affection and love and desire. Of course in the marriage, both are related, because where there is love, there is fondness, and especially desire. Now, if you say: “A lot of people love but do not desire their partners.” I do not think the appropriate word is love in its romantic and literally way. It would not be a good marriage if the couple marry without desire. Please, in this case, I recommend not to marry, especially if there is interest in money (phila or agape). It will not work. Money can pay bills, but does not bring happiness if love and desire do not exist. But the lack of money can also cause damage. The couple must be mature enough in participating/managing monetarily to pursue a love life in common.
    Love is based more on qualitative moments that you spend with your loved ones in any place or situation where all are involved. Love and desire are fundamental for a couple and fondness comes naturally. Love and fondness are another way of affection, normally guided to children, friends, and relatives. Thanks a lot for your nice write up, Shimonkepha!

    Liked by 1 person

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